Juniper Publishers| Spontaneous Rupture of Incisional Hernia - A Case Report
Journal of Surgery - JuniperPublishers Abstract A 40- year old female presented with spontaneous rupture of 8-year old Incisional hernia through midline abdominal scar and evisceration of small bowel. Emergency operation with polypropylene mesh hernioplasty was carried out. Outcome with a brief review of literature is discussed. Keywords: Spontaneous rupture; Incisional hernia; Ruptured hernia; Ruptured incisional hernia; Emergency mesh repair Go to Introduction Incidence of postoperative incisional hernia has been at least 10% on long-term follow-up even in the best centers [1]. The hernia steadily increases in size with attendant heavy sickening/ dragging sensation aggravated by coughing/ straining and recurrent attacks of incomplete obstruction with colicky pain & vomiting; sometimes complicated by complete obstruction and strangulation, and often intertrigo in deep creases between large dependant hernia and abdominal wall. Late dehiscence of incisional hernia ...