
Showing posts from August, 2019

JuniperPublishers-Skeletal Muscle Metastasis from Non Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) a Rare Case Report

Journal of Surgery -  JuniperPublishers Introduction Skeletal muscle metastasis is a rare condition resulting from non small cell lung cancer. We present a case of 50 yrs old male who presented with a mass in left thigh that was attached to sartorius muscle in left thigh. It was completely removed and the patient is doing well after four years of surgery. Go to Case Report A 50 –year-old male, diagnosed case of adenocarcinoma of the lung (NSCLC) who completed the course of chemotherapy and radiations, presented with a swelling in left thigh. It was painless and increasing in size over the last one month. He didn’t show any abnormality on systematic review. Left thigh showed localized swelling over upper medial aspect oval, 5*6 cms, non tender, Non- fluctuant, hard without any change in overlying skin. Radiologic evaluation on MRI showed lobulated mass measuring 4.7*4.5 cms closely related to superficial femoral neurovascular bundle and involving sartorius muscle ...

Juniper Publishers: The Impact of Online Problem-Based Mentoring Progr...

Juniper Publishers: The Impact of Online Problem-Based Mentoring Progr... : Orthopedics and Rheumatology Open Access Journal Juniper Publishers Authored by Firas Arnaout* Abstract Discrepancy in Inter...

Juniper Publishers: A Critical Analysis of Polymersome Therapeutics: F...

Juniper Publishers: A Critical Analysis of Polymersome Therapeutics: F... : Current Trends in Biomedical Engineering & Biosciences Juniper Publishers Authored by  Adriano Marim de Oliveira * Introdu...

Juniper Publishers: Review of the book “Noonomy” by Sergey Bodrunov_Ju...

Juniper Publishers: Review of the book “Noonomy” by Sergey Bodrunov_Ju... : Global Journal of Archaeology & Anthropology Juniper Publishers Authored by Vladimir Plotnikov* Mini Review “Noonomy” by S...

Juniper Publishers: Evidence Informed Musings from The Intensive Care ...

Juniper Publishers: Evidence Informed Musings from The Intensive Care ... : Journal of Anesthesia & Intensive Care Medicine Juniper Publisher Authored by  Sonali Vadi* Abstract Evidence-informed...

Juniper Publishers: Distribution of Coastal and Marine Herpetofauna in...

Juniper Publishers: Distribution of Coastal and Marine Herpetofauna in... : Oceanography & Fisheries Open AccessJournal Juniper Publishers Authored by Sandeep Munjpara* Abstract The Gulf of Kachchh ...

JuniperPublishers- Video Assisted Anal Fistula Treatment “VAAFT Technique” for Complex Perianal Fistulas

Journal of Surgery -  JuniperPublishers Abstract A novel sphincter saving technique (video assisted anal fistula treatment or VAAFT) was used in a prospective randomized study to validate the efficacy of this technique in complex anal fistulas. Two groups of 12 patients were randomly selected to undergo this study and were followed for 24 months. One group was subjected to VAAFT and the other group to open fistulotomy. We had one recurrence and 2 failures in the VAAFT group leading to repeated procedures. There was no sphincter affection in the VAAFT group compared to 4 patients with transient incontinence in the open group. To conclude, video assisted anal fistula treatment (VAAFT) is a novel sphincter saving technique in the management of for complex anal fistula (PAF). Further studies on larger number of patients may be needed to establish the role of this approach in fistula treatment. Abbreviations:  VAAFT: Video Assisted Anal Fistula Treatment; IO: Internal Fist...

Juniper Publishers: Helicobacter Pylori Strains Isolated from Iraqi Su...

Juniper Publishers: Helicobacter Pylori Strains Isolated from Iraqi Su... : GastroenterologyOpen Access Journals Juniper Publishers Authored by  Abdulghani Mohamed Alsamarai Go to Abstract Backgr...

Juniper Publishers: Pott´s Disease: A Diagnosis that Should Never be F...

Juniper Publishers: Pott´s Disease: A Diagnosis that Should Never be F... : Journalof Case reports Juniper Publishers Authored by  Rosa Carvalho Go to Abstract Pott’s disease (PD) or spinal tubercul...

JuniperPublishers- Spermatogonial Stem Cell Technology and Regenerative Medicine

Journal of Surgery -  JuniperPublishers Abstract The biologic activities of spermatogonial stem cells (SSCs) are the base for spermatogenesis and thus sustained male fertility. Therefore, comprehending the mechanisms governing their ability to both self‐ renew and differentiate is necessary. Moreover, because SSCs are the just adult stem cell to contribute genetic information to the next generation, they are a good target for genetic change. Some researchers have reported the derivation of multipotent cells from mouse and human spermatogonial stem cells. These spermatogonial stem cells demonstrate similarities with embryonic stem cells for phenotype and functionality, showing that these cells may be a promising alternative origin for stem-cell based therapies in regenerative medicine. Keywords:  Spermatogonial stem cell; Regenerative medicine; Transplantation Go to Introduction Spermatogonial stem cell Germ cell development begins with the characteristics o...

JuniperPublishers-Surgical Implications of Open Carpal Tunnel Surgery Considering Anatomical Variants of the Median Nerve Through the Transverse Carpal Ligament

Journal of Surgery -  JuniperPublishers William J Cobb* Department of Human Anatomy, University of Medicine and Health Sciences, St Kitts West Indies Submission:  October 06, 2016;  Published:  November 22, 2016 *Corresponding author:  William J Cobb, Department of Human Anatomy, University of Medicine and Health Sciences, St Kitts West Indies,Tel:+07452981539; Email: How to cite this article:  William J C. Surgical Implications of Open Carpal Tunnel Surgery Considering Anatomical Variants of the Median Nerve Through the Transverse Carpal Ligament. Open Access J Surg. 2016; 1(4): 555569. DOI:  10.19080/OAJS.2016.01.555569 Go to Abstract Open Carpal tunnel surgery is a relatively common surgical procedure in the UK. Surgery is the most preferential option when symptoms have continued for six months or more and other less invasive treatments have been tried, and have failed. The success rate of carpal tunnel ...

Juniper Publishers: The Effects of Real Exchange Rate on the Export Co...

Juniper Publishers: The Effects of Real Exchange Rate on the Export Co... : Journal ofDairy & Veterinary sciences Juniper Publishers Authored by  Bathathu Peter Abstract In 2017, the fruit indust...

Juniper Publishers: Clinical Outcomes of Children Operated for Rheumat...

Juniper Publishers: Clinical Outcomes of Children Operated for Rheumat... : AcademicJournal of Pediatrics & Neonatology   Juniper Publishers Authored by Zongezile Masonwabe Makrexeni* Background A...

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