JuniperPublishers-Skeletal Muscle Metastasis from Non Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) a Rare Case Report
Journal of Surgery - JuniperPublishers Introduction Skeletal muscle metastasis is a rare condition resulting from non small cell lung cancer. We present a case of 50 yrs old male who presented with a mass in left thigh that was attached to sartorius muscle in left thigh. It was completely removed and the patient is doing well after four years of surgery. Go to Case Report A 50 –year-old male, diagnosed case of adenocarcinoma of the lung (NSCLC) who completed the course of chemotherapy and radiations, presented with a swelling in left thigh. It was painless and increasing in size over the last one month. He didn’t show any abnormality on systematic review. Left thigh showed localized swelling over upper medial aspect oval, 5*6 cms, non tender, Non- fluctuant, hard without any change in overlying skin. Radiologic evaluation on MRI showed lobulated mass measuring 4.7*4.5 cms closely related to superficial femoral neurovascular bundle and involving sartorius muscle ...