
Showing posts from July, 2019

JuniperPublishers- Variation in Bifurcation of Brachial Artery: A Case Report

Journal of Surgery - JuniperPublishers Go to Abstract Brachial artery, the main artery of the arm, usually distributes at the level of neck of radius into two branches. This article reports a case of high division of the brachial artery at the level of insertion of the coraco brachialis muscle. This variation, though not very rare, occurs in the embryo due to permanence of the upper portion of the radial artery rising from the brachial artery proximal to the origin of the ulnar artery followed by failure of development of the new connector of the radial artery with the brachial artery at the level of origin of the ulnar artery. High division of the brachial artery has a deep applied importance especially in the field of vascular surgery and radiology, and the feasibility of this variation should be bore in mind before any vascular surgery in the region of the forearm or while interpreting arterio grams of the upper limb. Keywords:  Brachial artery; Variation; Radial

Juniper publishers (Juniper_Publish) on Pinterest

Juniper publishers (Juniper_Publish) on Pinterest Juniper publishers have been established with the aim of spreading quality scientific information to the research community throughout the universe. We, as Open Access publishers, strive to offer the best in class online science publications. Open Access process eliminates the barriers associated with the older publication models, thus matching up with the rapidity of the twenty-first century. Our main areas of interest lie in the fields of science, engineering and other related areas. Juniper Publishers is a platform for professors and researchers who aspire to give out quality information based on their research and expertise, in an attempt to aid scholars/researchers in their field of interest with the latest information. To Read More about  Juniper publishers (Juniper_Publish) on Pinterest Click on To Know More about  Juniper Publishers  click on:  https://juniperpublishers

Juniper Publishers (@Juniper_publish) | Twitter

Juniper Publishers (@Juniper_publish) | Twitter To advance the creation, communication and application of scientific knowledge to benefit society and improve people's lives. The prime mission of juniper publishers is to make continuous efforts in transforming the scientific information from researchers around the world, into easily accessible data by publishing on our website. Our vision is to build an open science platform where everybody has an equal opportunity to seek, share and generate knowledge, empowering researchers and scholars in their daily work To Read More about  Juniper Publishers (@Juniper_publish) | Twitter Click on To Know More about  Juniper Publishers  click on: For More  Open Access Journals  in  Juniper Publishers  Click on:

Juniper Publishers (0000-0003-1007-1243) - ORCID | Connecting

Juniper Publishers (0000-0003-1007-1243) - ORCID | Connecting Juniper publishers have been established with the aim of spreading quality scientific information to the research community throughout the universe. We, as Open Access publishers, strive to offer the best in class online science publications. Open Access process eliminates the barriers associated with the older publication models, thus matching up with the rapidity of the twenty-first century. Our main areas of interest lie in the fields of science, engineering and other related areas. Juniper Publishers is a platform for professors and researchers who aspire to give out quality information based on their research and expertise, in an attempt to aid scholars/researchers in their field of interest with the latest information. To Read More about  Juniper Publishers (0000-0003-1007-1243) - ORCID | Connecting Click on: To Know More about  Juniper Publishers  click on:  https:/

Juniper Publishers Review on Journal of microbiology - Opinion Stage

Juniper Publishers Review on Journal of microbiology - Opinion Stage Journal of microbiology is an Open Access, peer reviewed scientific journal focused towards publishing a complete and reliable source of information on the innovations and ongoing developments in the field of Biotechnology & Microbiology. The journal publishes scientific work in the form of articles such as original articles, review articles, case reports, short communications etc. from animal, plant and environmental microbiology (including bacteria, fungi, yeasts, algae, protozoa and viruses), microbial, animal, plant biotechnology, physiology, microbial, plant & animal genetics, molecular biology, agriculture, food chemistry, biochemistry, food control, evaluation, processing in food science and environmental sciences. To Read More about  Juniper Publishers Review on Journal of microbiology - Opinion Stage Click on:

Juniper Publishers -

Juniper Publishers - Juniper publishers have been established with the aim of spreading quality scientific information to the research community throughout the universe. We, as Open Access publishers, strive to offer the best in class online science publications. Open Access process eliminates the barriers associated with the older publication models, thus matching up with the rapidity of the twenty-first century. Our main areas of interest lie in the fields of science, engineering and other related areas. Juniper Publishers is a platform for professors and researchers who aspire to give out quality information based on their research and expertise, in an attempt to aid scholars/researchers in their field of interest with the latest information. To Read More about  Juniper Publishers - Click on: To Know More about  Juniper Publishers  click on: For More  Open Access Jo

Juniper Publishers Reviews - 6 Reviews of

Juniper Publishers Reviews - 6 Reviews of Juniper publishers have been established with the aim of spreading quality scientific information to the research community throughout the universe. We, as Open Access publishers, strive to offer the best in class online science publications. Open Access process eliminates the barriers associated with the older publication models, thus matching up with the rapidity of the twenty-first century. Our main areas of interest lie in the fields of science, engineering and other related areas. Juniper Publishers is a platform for professors and researchers who aspire to give out quality information based on their research and expertise, in an attempt to aid scholars/researchers in their field of interest with the latest information To Read More about  Juniper Publishers Reviews - 6 Reviews of Click on: To Know More about  Juniper Publishers