Juniper Publishers | Publons

  Juniper Publishers | Publons

Juniper Publishers

Juniper publishers have been established with the aim of spreading quality scientific information to the research community throughout the universe. We, as Open Access publishers, strive to offer the best in class online science publications. Open Access process eliminates the barriers associated with the older publication models, thus matching up with the rapidity of the twenty-first century. Our main areas of interest lie in the fields of science, engineering and other related areas. Juniper Publishers is a platform for professors and researchers who aspire to give out quality information based on their research and expertise, in an attempt to aid scholars/researchers in their field of interest with the latest information.

Focusing on the requirements of scientists, students and research scholars, we aspire to be the leading provider in Open Access Publications, with an array of prestigious academic international journals, dedicated to serving the engineering, scientific and medical communities. We publish articles of various formats (i.e., HTML, PDF, Digital, Audio conversion and Video development) and they can be accessed freely by scientists, students and the research community immediately after publication.


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