Juniper Publishers- Linked In

Juniper Publishers- Linked In

To advance the creation, communication and application of scientific knowledge to benefit society and improve people's lives. The prime mission of juniper is to make continuous efforts in transforming the scientific information from people around the world by publishing in our website. Our vision is to build an open science platform where everybody has equal opportunity to seek, share and generate knowledge, and that empowers researchers in their daily work.

Juniper publishers are established with the main motto of spreading the scientific information to the whole research community throughout the universe. We as an Open Access publishers are on the way to reach the peaks of the provision in scientific publications through on-line. With Open Access process, we take away all the barriers that ancient publication models had. To match with the rapidity of the twenty first century, and thus to stand as a large international analysis of the research works. We assure all readers about the valuable circulation of recent advancements and research methods to the whole scientific community. Juniper Publishers is a platform for professors and researchers who have the determination to post the quality information in the website thereby giving out their helping hands to the scholars/researchers in their field of interest. We are dedicated to work in the division of science, engineering and further more research areas.

Juniper publishers are glad to initiate the perception of membership to promote the scientific community. We offer different types of memberships for research scholars, scientists, professors, authors, reviewers, editors and students. Funds received from the membership will cover the Article Processing Fee and Grants, Financial Aid to young scholars and researchers. Juniper Membership is introduced to help the authors (who submit the articles often) to get rid of article processing charges & to provide more benefits.

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