Juniper Publishers| Surgery Role of Physiotherapy in Burn and Plastic Surgery

Role of Physiotherapy in Burn and Plastic Surgery

Authored by Monoarul Haque

Objective: Physiotherapy is a branch of medical science which has widespread applicability, affectivity and impact. Physiotherapist can practice independently or act as a member of multidisciplinary team. In emergency situation as like sports physiotherapy is the first contact treatment which has immediate effect and recovery. Not only that it has long term effect also i.e. rehabilitation. After orthopedic surgery and stroke patients must go rehabilitative protocol. As like other branch of medical sciences physiotherapy has immense role in burn and plastic surgery. Burn affected patients are increasing due to various reason day by day. Besides cleft palate, cleft lip is also seen frequently. In the past there was no individual burn hospital in our country but now there is a Government burn and plastic surgery hospital in Dhaka. High dependency unit, indoor and outdoor facility-all are there but there is no post for physiotherapist. After burn tendency to develop contracture is common. Physiotherapy should be start as early as possible after tissue repair by surgical management to prevent contracture development and make patient functional as much as possible.

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