Juniper Publishers- Surgery| A Rare Cause for Acute Abdomen: Gastric Volvulus- Case Report

A Rare Cause for Acute Abdomen: Gastric Volvulus- Case Report

Authored by Murat Kendirci

Numerous patients use to refer to emergency rooms everyday due to abdominal pain all over the world. One of the rare conditions, among the several etiologies in these patients, is gastric volvulus. This pathology, which occurs via rotation of the stomach around its own axis more than 1800, may cause acute abdomen as well as may be asympthomatic [1]. Diaphragmatic hernia, which is suggested as antecedent of volvulus, usually accompanies, however, occurrence among patients with unusually mobile stomach has been reported in the literature [2]. It is difficult to diagnose gastric volvulus because there are no specific clinical and laboratory findings. Advanced experience is required to identify the torsion and atypical replacement of stomach which is radiologically diagnostic [3]. In our case, we aimed to present a patient who developed acute abdomen due to gastric volvulus and discuss the treatment options in the literature.

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