Juniper Publishers- Surgery| ECMO in Emergency Medicine

ECMO in Emergency Medicine

Authored by Yan Wang ECMO is the extracorporeal membrane oxygenation in the aim to provide extracorporeal life support in both cardiac and respiratory function, it is an important therapy in Cardiacvascular Medicine and Emergency Medicine. When patients unable to keep organ basic required oxygen or blood exchange, ECMO is used to remove patient’s blood into artificial tube system on oxygenation and detoxication exchange. ECMO can apply to children and adult for a life-sustain therapy, and it is the choice to allow time for intrinsic recovery of heart and lung from varied critical diseases. ECMO is the extracorporeal membrane oxygenation in the aim to provide extracorporeal life support in both cardiac and respiratory function; it is an important therapy in Cardiovascular Medicine and Emergency Medicine. When patients unable to keep organ basic required oxygen or blood exchange, ECMO is used to remove patient’s blood into artificial tube system on oxygenation and detoxication exchange. ECMO can apply to children and adult for a life-sustain therapy, and it is the choice to allow time for intrinsic recovery of heart and lung from varied critical diseases. From the first ten years development since 1953, ECMO has experienced the initial time to create the ECMO system in Medicine, in 1953, Gibbon used the artificial oxygenation support system on the first case of open heart operation and got successful; and In 1965, Rashkind’s were being the first to use the support system in neonatal respiratory failure, till now, ECMO has became the basic therapy required in Cardiovascular or Surgery Department and Intensive Care Unit(ICU).

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