Juniper Publishers- Beware of Over-Enthusiasm for CT Scans!

Beware of Over-Enthusiasm for CT Scans!

Authored by Biplab Mishra The problem of over use of CT scans has become an epidemic in our present society and it is going to worsen in coming years if appropriate! steps are not taken now. This has become a complex issue with interplay of many factors like doctor factors, patient and public factors, action/inaction of monitoring bodies and company driven. The issue simply is non-judicious use of CT scans. There is no doubt about CT scans being one of the most useful tools in diagnostic radiology. Unfortunately, doctors are now advising CT scans just at the drop of hat and history and clinical examination have taken not only a back seat but not even considered wisely in many cases. The aim of this editorial is to spread awareness among doctors about the wise use of CT scans or at least to avoid over-enthusiasm about it highlighting radiation, contrast induced nephropathy (CIN), hypersensitivity to contrast mediums and cost factor.


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