Role of Anthracycline Induce Cardiac Toxicity in Breast Cancer Patients- Juniper Publishers
Journal of Surgery - JuniperPublishers Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women counting about 125 per 100000 per year new case in United States and about 1.4 million new cases worldwide [1,2]. In the last twenty years early diagnosis, neoadjuvant and adjuvant systemic treatment that targeted to specific molecular targets have significantly reduced the mortality from breast cancer. However ,the increase in survival has allowed to observe the cardiotoxic effects of anticancer therapy and increase mortality from cardiovascular causes, resulting in a large literature where experts try to identify the correct management of critical problem. Cardiotoxicity is potential complication of anticancer therapy; anthracycline therapy is a mainstay for breast cancer and other cancer, but it associated with rate of incidence heart failure more than five time the average, is a well-known problem in the treatment of cancer and limits the therapeutic use of thi...