
Showing posts from December, 2020

Juniper Publishers| Open Access Journal of Surgery

  Journal of Surgery -  JuniperPublishers

Juniper Publishers| Does Conservative Surgical Management of Early Stage Cervical Cancer Represent a Persistent Dilemma in Young Patients?

  Journal of Surgery -  JuniperPublishers Nowadays, cervical cancer (CC) is the most common malignancy of the female reproductive system and the fourth most common cancer in general female population [1,2]. The disease is more prevalent among young women and related directly with persistent HPV infection [1,2]. Especially in developing countries CC represents almost 12% of all malignancies in women [1,2]. Additionally, the mortality rate from CC is almost 10-14 times higher in poor and less developed countries (Melanesia, Middle and Eastern Africa), when compared with developed ones (Western Asia, Western Europe, Australia and New Zealand) [1,2]. Based on recently published recommendations and guidelines, the primary management of CC depends mainly on disease stage and could be either surgical or non-surgical (radiotherapy, chemoradiotherapy) [3-5]. Nevertheless, the type and extend of surgical procedure and the type of non-surgical approach should be thoroughly individualized...

Juniper Publishers| The Use & Risk of endoscopy in the GI Tract Disease

  Editorial Endoscopy is a nonsurgical procedure used to examine a person’s digestive tract. The primary aim of endoscopy in the management of patients with UGI symptoms is to detect organic disease. Using an endoscope, a flexible tube with a light and camera attached to it, your doctor can view pictures of your digestive tract on a color TV monitor. During an upper endoscopy, an endoscope is easily passed through the mouth and throat and into the esophagus, allowing the doctor to view the esophagus, stomach, and upper part of the small intestine. Endoscopy is a team activity, requiring the collaborative talents of many people of different backgrounds and training. It is difficult to overstate the importance of an appropriate environment and professional support staff, in order to maintain patient comfort and safety, and to optimize clinical outcomes. Procedures are performed by many different types of doctor, including gastroenterologists, surgeons, and some radiologists. Speciall...

Juniper Publishers| Helicobacter in Biliary Calculus Disease: Histopathological and Serological Association in a Rural Population of Southern India

  Journal of Surgery -  JuniperPublishers Abstract Introduction:  Biliary calculus disease is one of the most common disorders and is an important cause of morbidity world over. In USA and Europe, the prevalence of biliary calculus disease ranges from 7% to 33% among general population. Though accurate estimates are not available, gall stones disease forms an important cause of suffering in India. In recent years, Helicobacter pylori has been detected in the human bile and gall bladder tissues. This has evoked considerable interest in the possibilities of colonization and causation of biliary calculus disease by this organism.Here is the study for investigating the evidence of Helicobacter infection by histopathological and serological methods at R.L. Jalappa hospital, Kolar, Karnataka which caters mainly for rural population. Materials and methods:  During the period November 2011 to August 2013, 65 patients with clinical features of biliary calculus disease admitte...

Juniper Publishers| The Place of Mesh Use in the Treatment of Incisonal Hernia; Emergent and Elective Cases

  Journal of Surgery -  JuniperPublishers Abstract Aim:  In this study, we wanted to report the place of mesh use in our clinic in the treatment of incisional hernia in elective and emergency cases. Methods:  Patients who operated for incisional hernia under urgent and elective conditions were evaluated in the General Surgery Clinic of Göztepe Training and Research Hospital of the Istanbul Medeniyet University between January 2014 and September 2015. Patient files, surgical notes and patient reports were screened retrospectively. IBM SPSS Statistics Version 23 was used for statistical analysis of data and findings. Results:  A total of 149 patients examining the demographic information of elective and emergency cases operated with the diagnosis of incisional hernia in our clinic. Between January 2014 –September 2015, 149 cases with incisional hernia, 125 of them were elective and 24 were emergency conditions, were operated in our clinic. Coclusion:  We conc...

Juniper Publishers| Case Study Treatment of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

  Introduction BPH is a disease which results in the appearance of a characteristic spectrum of lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) which comprise ‘voiding’ symptoms directly due to the outflow obstruction such as reduced urinary flow or hesitancy during voiding and ‘storage’ symptoms due to secondary effects on the bladder which include increased day-time and night-time urinary frequency and urgency [1-3]. It is a histologic diagnosis that refers to the proliferation of smooth muscle and epithelial cells within the prostatic transition zone [4,5]. BPH also called lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) as characterized by lower urinary tract symptoms is a common condition in the elderly male population and very common in men age >50 years [6]. The relationship between LUTS and sexual dysfunction has been controversial [7]. Other study showed the relation between erectile dysfunction (ED) and ejaculation disorders dysfunction (EjD) are related to increasing age and the severity of L...

Juniper Publishers| Acute Aortic Dissection: Update on Diagnosis and Application of Endovascular Therapy of Emergency

  Abstract Acute aortic syndrome (AAS) describes emergency aortic diseases. In 80% of patients, the AAS presents itself as an Acute Dissection of Aorta (ADA). It’s worth pointing out that the traumatic etiology of this condition, has great relevance regarding morbidity and mortality. This is fact that the Traumatic Thoracic Aortic Dissection (TTAD), usually occurs from a contuse injury, product of an abrupt deceleration, especially in men and individuals with overweight or obesity, which have a history of smoking and heart surgeries. Early diagnosis of ADA is indispensable, since patients who arrive alive at the hospital, have high probability of death in a short period of time if not treated properly, especially those who have been victims of some traumatic event earlier. In this context, the endovascular approach has become the treatment of choice for acute surgical emergencies involving the descending thoracic aorta. Moreover, it should be considered as a first-line option in th...