Journal of Surgery - JuniperPublishers Nowadays, cervical cancer (CC) is the most common malignancy of the female reproductive system and the fourth most common cancer in general female population [1,2]. The disease is more prevalent among young women and related directly with persistent HPV infection [1,2]. Especially in developing countries CC represents almost 12% of all malignancies in women [1,2]. Additionally, the mortality rate from CC is almost 10-14 times higher in poor and less developed countries (Melanesia, Middle and Eastern Africa), when compared with developed ones (Western Asia, Western Europe, Australia and New Zealand) [1,2]. Based on recently published recommendations and guidelines, the primary management of CC depends mainly on disease stage and could be either surgical or non-surgical (radiotherapy, chemoradiotherapy) [3-5]. Nevertheless, the type and extend of surgical procedure and the type of non-surgical approach should be thoroughly individualized...